Parthiban Gets Glumed with Vikatan !

One of the dignified journalism is helmed in the state with the dominance of eminent group like “Vikatan “who posess Versatality in their contents.

Being the proud trendsetter of recognizing the cinema technicians, their calculations are the clearest who encouraged many with their prizes.

Now here, it disturbs one of the Tamil-master mind, R. Parthiban the actor- director has shown in disappointment on the Vikatan crew for not recoginizing the 2 national award plus oscar nominee film,  Oththaserrupu size 7(,os 7) in any of the category.

But he ends his message with a half hearted  thanks for offering the “lifetime achievement award”, but here after there wont be any presence of him will be in Vikatan group awards.

OS7 is a unique film which was acted by Parthiban alone with the other characters frames in and out with only voices.