STR gets emotional on “Indian 2” film accident!

The horrifying wave ,post  Indian 2 accident still stays in the hearts of many, as it’s something indigestible incident which happened at the beggining of 2020. We could see many people supporting the victims and people around them with their words, where here comes STR, who emotionally shares about the incident

 He said, “All the cinema artists and technicians, especially the stunt artists are returning home, escaping death every day. I always believed for stars like me, each and every technician’s hard work helps us in our individual’s growth. We all reach great heights mainly due to their selfless work. I treat all of them like my own family.

“The accident at the sets of Indian 2 has come as a real shock to me. Those dear departed souls would have started their film journey with bigger dreams. Tears keep welling up in my eyes, when I think about the hard situation of those families.