Simbu’s birthday celebration pictures went viral in social media, which fabricated the day has the happiest one for STR fans. Following this, the additional casting of simbu’s upcoming film Maanadu was revealed by producer Suresh Kamatchi.
The cast also included actor S.j.Suryah, who shared his joy on twitter , mentioning “thx a lot Producer sir and, dir @vp_offl sir “what a story, what a narration “ gone crazy with fantastic narration…. sure this project will go beyond the borders … very happy to join with my friend Simbu sjs Apart from S.j.Suryah the casting also includes actors, Manoj Bharathi raja, Y.G.Mahendran, and Daniel Annie Pope playing pivotal roles. Maanadu will start its shoot soon, which is directed by Venkat prabhu and bankrolled by Suresh kamatchi under V house productions.
Thx a lot Prodcer sir and, dir @vp_offl sir “what a story, what a narration “ gone crazy with fantastic narration…. sure this project will go beyond the borders … very happy to join with my friend Simbu 👍👍👍sjs
— S J Suryah (@iam_SJSuryah) February 4, 2020